Other written projects

I’m always writing. At home, during a bus ride, when I'm sitting outside in my gardens or the woods, I even used to do this during class (what else can you do when inspiration strikes?!). Either I’m writing some fan fiction just for myself, plan out concepts for random stories or work on my novel or on one of my other projects.

Unlike my private fan fiction, these latter, personal projects are set in a world of my own creation, with characters of my own. 

But also quite unlike my novel Broken, these smaller projects are no linear tales.


While Broken has a beginning and keeps telling the story kind of in a chronological order, the other projects are like a puzzle. Partly these pieces have the shape of short stories and some of them only consist of a painting that tells a story of it’s own. All these pieces build a whole – they add up to a complete tale and each piece on its own.

It's up to you to find out more information about the worlds I created. Well, what tickles your fancy? Maybe you like a setting that's inspired by Japan? Then Tales of Yokai might interest you. Or do you like some social criticism paired with the Fantasy genre? In that case I suggest you read about Lost Angel.

Of course you can also read about some even older, less planned out stories of mine (which I haven't worked on in years, but I still like the ideas behind them a lot). My Story about Serael have a similar tone as my 'Lost Angel' story but here the focus is more on a critique of religion (based on my own scepticism regarding belief) and finally there's Depth of Heart one of my oldest works (in progress), a dystopian fantasy story about the adventures of a young orphan.